The Old Bill - Hanwell

Saturday, May 9, 2009 at 4:57 PM

The Old Bill - Hanwell, originally uploaded by Southern Driver.

It seems ironic that the Old Bill was closed down in police raid during 2006!

The pub is situated across the road from Castle Bar Park railway station and in the middle of an estate which is notorious for drugs and prostitution.

On Friday March 24th 2006 Ealing Police raided the pub where they found 40g of cocaine and various other drugs paraphenalia. Four people were arrested for drug offences, and another three for possession with intent to supply. It was on April 11th 2006 that the Police served a closure notice on the pub which was unsuccesfully contested. There was talk in the first half of 2008 that the pub may reopen but as of May 2009 it is still very much closed.

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